Want to earn a million bucks in online betting Malaysia? Get acquainted with these words and terms before you bet your first dollar.

  1. Action- This means the amount of money a gambler bets across the game in once session.
  2. Active Player- This term is used in poker and refers to a person who is still playing.
  3. Add-on- This term too is used in online betting Malaysia poker games. It refers to the number of chips that you bought to supplement your game.
  4. Aggregate winnings- Total winnings in an online betting Malaysia game.
  5. Random Number Generator (RNG)- This is a computer program that generates random numbers. You can not predict the next random number because the RNG uses several factors, external as well as internal. RNG is important because it is related to the fairness of the game.
  6. RTP- Return to Player is how much a player can get in one session. RTP is applied to slot machines and other casino games and is expressed in terms of percentage. For example an RTP of 97% means that a player can retain 97% of his betting amount.
  7. Volatility- This refers to the highs and lows of a game. If a game is highly volatile, it means the player can very quickly lose or win money. Low volatility games are stable and there is a very little risk of gamblers losing all their money quickly.
  8. High Roller- A gambler who regularly wages high values.

Now let’s look at some helpful practices for online betting Malaysia.

  1. Don’t overspend or over bet- Gamble responsibly and set aside a small amount of money for your betting needs. There is absolutely no need to gamble large amounts of money if you are a beginner or amateur gambler.
  2. Study the rules- Before you place your first bet, read the rules of your game. All casinos have links to their games i.e. how to play, place bets, etc. Read all those rules so that you stay ahead and win big.
  3. Trial- Most online casinos have demo versions of some of their games. If you fancy a game, look out for its trial version; play it for free and master the consoles. This will help you as and when you decide to place bets.
  4. Start small- It is always wise to start small. There are games that encourage newbies to place small bets and grow their confidence. This way, you minimize your losses, if any.
  5. Look out for low to moderate volatile games. In these games, your gains are stable. You don’t lose all your earnings quickly.
  6. Listen to advice but don’t necessarily follow it. When you enter a casino, you will be surrounded by people who are full of advice. Listen to all that advice but follow your instinct and common sense.
  7. Don’t be greedy, call it quits at the right time. Never play for too long.